Thursday, September 5, 2024

I Do this, I Disappear for Years on End

And then reappear as if nothing ever changed. I call it my mole era. I've had a few of them but not many have lasted as long as this. I didn't even glance to see when my last post happened before this one. Though, I can say for absolute certainty it was more than 6 years ago. 7? More? I don't know but, long.

Longer perhaps than the last time I published a book. The 3rd book in my California Dreamin' Series hit the streets to a distinct lack of fanfare and then I burned out. Like, severely hated writing and all it entailed to "hit the algorithm" back then. 

I took a seven year break from books. And, in turn, this blog.

Then, a renewed spirit of sorts crept in after we moved from AZ to NY in 2023. I had a TON of time to kill knowing nobody in the state other than the Mister. I needed some kind of outlet so, as per usual, I went inward to find it. On the other side of that popped out this:

You Classy Beach, Or, are mermaids always this snarky?*

My first book in almost 7 years! A new chapter in my life. Pun fully intended.

This collection of essays reads like a memoir and documents my life's ridiculousness on various beaches around the world. I'm the most proud of this book than any I've ever written. It's raw, honest, witty as fuck and will resonate with my fellow snarky Gen-Xers. Especially those who have been literal OG readers here, there are 2 stories you may recognize in the book. They got their start right here on this old ass blog.

To that end, however...

I'm not reviving this blog. In fact, I've been slowly farming stories to edit/re-write then use in upcoming collections. I'm taking down those posts here. Packing up and moving out. Sorry, blogger, you've been great but I can't know my subscribers on your platform. So, I need my own.

And I now have a better, more reliable, more interactive way to write this ridiculous drivel for you to read at your leisure. It's called: Consistently Inconsistent, the Newsletter (the link takes you to my sign up form) where I send you the drivel in email instead of posting on a site where I can't really have conversations.

From my newsletters you can reply and we can chat in email instead of in comment sections that I never get notifications about. Email is easier to manage and I'm already there every morning with coffee. Let's have a coffee together. I know it's been a freaking eternity but I'm back and want to catch up if you're game.

I'm peddling the words somewhere else. But it'll remind you a lot of this. So, this is likely to be the last post on this blog. For real, for real. Want to still chat or keep in touch? Click that link above, sign up, double-opt-in, and wait for who knows how long until the next time I share anything there.

I assure you, however, if all goes according to the nefarious plan, that will be long before 7 years.

Thanks for the long-term and unwavering support bloggy buddies. Hope to see you Beaches over there!


*The You Classy Beach link takes you to Lulu, an online book distributor, where you will be asked to create an account if you don't already have one then you can purchase the paperback with a credit card. Thanks!