Monday, March 7, 2016

Snuggle Up for a Week

My sister-in-law nominated me to take part in this ‘seven songs in 7 days’ challenge.

Of course the thing is all over Facebook but, not surprisingly, I decided to make the most of the dare and reboot my blog posting schedule by sharing my choices over here instead, because that way I can get the full story related to each song out there (and apparently I’m also bringing back the ever popular run-on sentence so you’re welcome).

Now, because you know me, you already know I’m not about to write for 7 days in a row, share my innermost reasons for choosing certain music, and not write it with a purpose.

So before I reveal today’s song choice and subsequent story behind it I should back up and share some other information first.

When this post posts it will be the 502nd post on this blog. I’ve been writing over here since September 13, 2007. Nine years as of this fall. Damn.

Even though it doesn’t feel like it’s been that long or that many posts, I recently started rereading all of my old stuff. And let me tell ya, there’s a whole lot of useless crap on this blog. But, the good news, at least for me, is that I’ve also shared a whole lot of fun and interesting stories.

Stories about my life, adventures in procrastinating my career path, and my past, um, let’s just call them, escapades with boys and booze and boredom.

As I sat here reading about those times in my life, my mind started piecing together many, many more stories that could be told to go with the ones already in existence. Stories that I believe could act as a warning to others. Advising readers how to avoid sabotaging your own life.

But reading all that stuff on a blog takes dedication and unless you’ve been here since the start the chance you’ll go back to try to locate any of those old posts is slim to none. That’s why I’ve decided to collect all of these fabulously embarrassing, revealing and sometimes head-scratching moments into one convenient package. A book. Actually, two books.

The first collection I’m holding a bit close to the vest. Sorry, but I promise as soon as the structure starts coming together I’ll fully share all the info.

But the other one.

Well, that book is what brings me full-circle to this week’s posting schedule.

After pulling together a bunch of the links I realized just how much of my past was punctuated by music. Loving it, buying it, hating it, going to see it live (but the act is the last thing that matters because life is happening simultaneously), avoiding it because it reminds me of the wrong person. Or people.

Who remembers the song that was playing when they lost their virginity? The song that made them break down, sobbing uncontrollably, while driving home on the Merritt Parkway after their grandfather’s funeral? Happy times. Sad times. All the times. Songs that have helped to define an entire life. Mine.

Countless moments surrounded by melody and lyrics. My iPod is like a living organism of stories about personal growth and change.

So my goal with this challenge is to share some of those stories. To use the song as the inspiration for the story I want to tell. And while not all of them will make the cut for the essay collection (like today’s for example), I look forward to at least getting some good stuff up here.

Today, like most mornings, I woke up with a song stuck in my head.

I never understand why that’s the case, if I was dreaming of the song or something related to the lyrics or maybe a time in life when that song was playing.

After I got the challenge from my SIL yesterday I went to bed thinking of what today’s song choice might be. I decided to wake up and open Pandora on my phone and write something amazing about the first song that came up.

But my brain, as per usual, had plans of its own.

Because today’s track isn’t one I listen to all that often, not a song I obsess over or even have a story associated with other than to say I think of a movie when I hear it.

Admittedly, the movie is one of my favorite RomComs for reasons I can’t even explain because I’m not a huge fan of the stupidity of the plot or even 2/3 of the actors who star in the thing.

But while I was thinking of the plot, setting and dialogue I had a flashback to this past weekend. I remembered we were talking about the great state of Hawaii for quite some time over the weekend and I nodded, knowing that this is just how my mind works.

The movie? Honeymoon in Vegas. The song?

(Let Me be your) Teddy Bear.

So this one’s for you Elvis fans. Or fans of Nicholas Cage, James Caan, Sarah Jessica Parker or Pat Morita.

Or teddy bears. Because who doesn’t love a good snuggly teddy bear? Am I right?

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In addition to this drivel I also write books, both fiction and non-fiction.
Learn more on my author page.


JudisJems said...

Too funny, and fun!

Launna said...

Jenn, while I was reading your post there were songs flashing in and out of my head and memories that came with it... music has that effect with me, a song can take me to a certain place in time just like that... there are songs I love that I can't listen too because of how they make me feel now and there are songs that always make me feel good... I love La Isla Bonita, not spelled right by Madonna... it reminds me of a carefree time in my life where I had few worries and I was driving in a car with a very good friend... it was a really sunny day... lots of songs like those.. thanks for the memories Jenn xox

Jenn Flynn-Shon said...

Thanks mum!

Launna that's my favorite thing about music - its ability to transcend time and place. That's one of my favorite songs by Madonna, oldie but goodie and now I must go listen to it :-)

Unknown said...

OMG this brings me back to the days of a big green pickle that had no radio in the dash with a largish boombox taking up real estate in the front seat belting out meatloaf's paradise by the dashboard light, lol. Great memories!!