Thursday, September 5, 2024

I Do this, I Disappear for Years on End

And then reappear as if nothing ever changed. I call it my mole era. I've had a few of them but not many have lasted as long as this. I didn't even glance to see when my last post happened before this one. Though, I can say for absolute certainty it was more than 6 years ago. 7? More? I don't know but, long.

Longer perhaps than the last time I published a book. The 3rd book in my California Dreamin' Series hit the streets to a distinct lack of fanfare and then I burned out. Like, severely hated writing and all it entailed to "hit the algorithm" back then. 

I took a seven year break from books. And, in turn, this blog.

Then, a renewed spirit of sorts crept in after we moved from AZ to NY in 2023. I had a TON of time to kill knowing nobody in the state other than the Mister. I needed some kind of outlet so, as per usual, I went inward to find it. On the other side of that popped out this:

You Classy Beach, Or, are mermaids always this snarky?*

My first book in almost 7 years! A new chapter in my life. Pun fully intended.

This collection of essays reads like a memoir and documents my life's ridiculousness on various beaches around the world. I'm the most proud of this book than any I've ever written. It's raw, honest, witty as fuck and will resonate with my fellow snarky Gen-Xers. Especially those who have been literal OG readers here, there are 2 stories you may recognize in the book. They got their start right here on this old ass blog.

To that end, however...

I'm not reviving this blog. In fact, I've been slowly farming stories to edit/re-write then use in upcoming collections. I'm taking down those posts here. Packing up and moving out. Sorry, blogger, you've been great but I can't know my subscribers on your platform. So, I need my own.

And I now have a better, more reliable, more interactive way to write this ridiculous drivel for you to read at your leisure. It's called: Consistently Inconsistent, the Newsletter (the link takes you to my sign up form) where I send you the drivel in email instead of posting on a site where I can't really have conversations.

From my newsletters you can reply and we can chat in email instead of in comment sections that I never get notifications about. Email is easier to manage and I'm already there every morning with coffee. Let's have a coffee together. I know it's been a freaking eternity but I'm back and want to catch up if you're game.

I'm peddling the words somewhere else. But it'll remind you a lot of this. So, this is likely to be the last post on this blog. For real, for real. Want to still chat or keep in touch? Click that link above, sign up, double-opt-in, and wait for who knows how long until the next time I share anything there.

I assure you, however, if all goes according to the nefarious plan, that will be long before 7 years.

Thanks for the long-term and unwavering support bloggy buddies. Hope to see you Beaches over there!


*The You Classy Beach link takes you to Lulu, an online book distributor, where you will be asked to create an account if you don't already have one then you can purchase the paperback with a credit card. Thanks!

Friday, June 29, 2018

It’s All Happening

Sort of.

Here’s the thing, it can be so easy to get discouraged in this writing life. There are millions of books available, so many amazing writers out there, and being an indie is a definite double edged blade.

And I’ll be the first to admit, both edges are usually serrated.

Discouragement can come at any given moment though. Truly, how many of you can say you show up for your job every day, all day, and leave at the end of the day knowing you did great work you didn’t get paid for (yet, if ever)?

I can imagine most, if not all of you, would laugh until you cry then walk away to make a paycheck. Most days, weeks, months, I don’t make a lot. And generally speaking that’s because I started this thing all wrong.

In recent months, weeks, days, I’ve learned from some of the most amazing, successful, indie authors out there about how to better position myself, advertise, release books. How to market. How to really connect with people who want fiction.

But still, this is a slow-slow-fast kind of industry. Overnight success that only took 30 years to accomplish!

So, sometimes it’s difficult to quantify that moment. That one moment where you start seeing things happen. Actual progress and growth in your career. Steady growth. Steady increase in sales.

For someone like me, however, skating by with only a few downloads a month, to see that number spike overnight into double digits will bring on a tinge of giddiness.

Okay, a surge of giddiness!

Giddiness warranting the titling of a blog post ‘It’s All Happening’ I guess.

That day, the double digit spike day, was today. At least, I saw it today. As a gal who hasn’t released a book since last November when Makeup Your Mind dropped, I got out of the habit of checking my KDP reports daily.

I know, I know, don’t set me on fire with scathing comments, please.

Again, let me reiterate how discouraging it can be to do ALL THE THINGS on a daily basis, especially when the monetary results for all that effort are niet 99.9% of the time.

It’s hard to work for free. To create entire worlds and format and promote and about 2,700 other things I do with a book to make it a professionally produced indie publication. Every time.

But I totally chose this life and I wouldn’t change it. I LOVE writing as a career. It just finally hit me recently that I walk around saying ‘I write books for a living’ when in reality the ‘for-a-living’ part is a myth.

That shit is all about to change.

I’m finally learning how to use the system over at the ‘Zon to my advantage. Finally reading the right information, joining the right groups full of writers who aren’t just passionate about putting words down but about the dolla dolla bills, yo.

Because, again, most people don’t work for free. Most people don’t pursue a career with zero salary attached. Those people are called volunteers. And I have no problem with people who want to do that with their lives, I commend them in fact. But that’s not my intention.

This week’s post was fortunate on timing, there happened to be 5 Fridays in the month and I had this bonus week to fill. I’m so super glad I got to fill it with a happy update on the ‘for-a-living’ front.

As I spend my days from now until the end of the year stockpiling fully fleshed out novels/novellas/short stories, all with the intent of publishing on an algorithm-capturing schedule, I’ll be excited to look back on posts like this.

Something to motivate me to KEEP GOING no matter what because, when I do, good things happen.

Because I’ll still be working the rest of 2018 “for free” but at least I know 2019 will shake out to be a banner income year.

Bring. It. On!

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In addition to this drivel I also write books, both fiction and non-fiction.
Learn more on my author page.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Take a Deep Breath

Before every performance, I placed bets with Chris, my boss, as to how many patrons would end up crying by the end of my rendition of “Leaving on a Jet Plane”. The last strum of my guitar produced exactly zero tragedy and total comedy as a group of people, not even listening to me, burst into laughter. I owed Chris ten bucks.

Most of the regulars were here today including Mister Jones with his service dog. His hand-carved cane draped casually on the back of the faded, peach toned, hand painted chair. His left leg shaking as he rapidly tapped the heel of his foot on the wide-plank pine floor. I knew he wasn't listening to my set either. Jones usually turned off his hearing aid the minute he walked through the door at Abacus Coffee House.

I got things together for my next song and glanced at the clock. It wasn't that I didn't appreciate Chris letting me sing during my break but I belted out my heart to a total of about five people on any given day. I mean, who goes for coffee at 4:00 in the afternoon? Medical pros and contractors made up our mini 3:00 rush but this was our slowest hour. It's why he gave me the time but obviously that’s a double edged sword.

The door opened and a stocky guy in a heather gray suit entered as I started up my final song. A cover of Jewel's “You were Meant for Me”. Right in my wheelhouse. Also, perfect for the coffee house crowd ignoring my every move. It was one of those songs that could really take your breath away from melancholy if you listened to the lyrics. Or, it could just as easily fade into the background if you were in the middle of formatting a spreadsheet in the corner of a brightly lit coffee shop. Not when Jewel sings it, of course, but for me that was the usual way of things.

I wrapped up with a ‘thank you so much’ and two people actually clapped, a cursory quadruple clap. Hey, I'd take it. I went to stow my guitar and grab my apron from the office. As my foot crossed the threshold into the tiny room, hardly big enough for the desk, chair, and my guitar case, let alone another person, a hand tapped my shoulder. I spun around to face Mister Fancy Gray Suit. A to-go cup in a cardboard hand protector in one hand, laptop case slung across his chest like he was a bike messenger.

He didn't say a word just winked and handed me a business card. Before I had a chance to look at the card he spun around and took a quick clip to the exit. I was confused but looked down at the card in my hand. White cardstock, a photo of him on one side and a shooting star wrapped around the words Talent Agency. As the words sunk in, I noticed an address, name, phone number, and email address. Wait, what?

My knees almost gave out so I sunk into the chair, still holding my guitar. I stared at the card for what felt like twenty minutes. Lincoln Forrest. Talent agent. And he handed this 2x3 opportunity to me. He saw something in my performance. The one song the guy heard was enough to elicit a card. He wanted me to call him. I could have an agent. I could finally be on track to do what I'd dreamed about doing for the last 15 years.

Just then, Chris popped his head back and asked if I was planning to finish my shift. He disappeared before I could answer. Before my mouth found the ability to again form simple words. My eyes filled with emotion as I realized, this shift could finally be one of my last.

Written above, Take a Deep Breath, inspired by this roll of Rory’s Story Cubes.
If you enjoyed this story, in my new flash fiction series, please share the link, leave me a comment, and don’t forget to come back next month for the next story! You can sign up to get my blogs in email so you don’t miss anything.

I post every Friday, flash fiction stories on the 4th Friday of every month.

Thanks for reading!

• • • • • • • • • • •
In addition to this drivel I also write books, both fiction and non-fiction.
Learn more on my author page.