Friday, January 12, 2018

Makeup Your Mind California Dreamin' Series (book 3) Book Trailer!

Okay ladies and gents, I finally decided to take the plunge. Go where the cool kids hang out. Okay, maybe that isn’t entirely true but I know I can at least safely say, I’m finally hanging out where the fearless folks make their living.

As the title suggests, I had a book trailer created for Makeup Your Mind and it is FINISHED!

So, a couple things you should know before I share the video with all of you.

First, I know that trailers generally come out before the book release to act as a teaser for the release date itself. And, yes, Makeup Your Mind dropped last November.

Unfortunately, Robert and I didn’t start talking about this as a possibility until I was already pretty far into the writing process and it was getting much closer to date of release. And, hello, video production takes time!

Second, this book trailer business is a first for both of us. On my end it’s both exhilarating and terrifying to try something new.

We are both at a critical time in our creative careers where it makes sense to branch out into new forms of media/new offerings to potential clients and it was perfect timing for both of us!

Finally, if you were around/growing up in the last “innocent” decade, the nineties, then welcome to your life flashback.

LITERALLY every detail about this trailer is exactly what I wanted without knowing how to even express it.

The layout, design, of the interior of the mall, the graphics, the fuzzy lips, the music. EVERYthing about this book trailer so perfectly captures the essence of nineties it makes me feel like I wrote the book and he created this trailer during that decade!

(Could I BE using more accentuated pronunciation?)

Robert is going to get me some business cards, contact info, rates, etc. soon so I can refer his services all over town because I know there are other authors out there ready to make the leap into the fun world of video accompaniment.

So, without further rambling (gushing, over-the-top praise???) here’s the very first Writesy Press, LLC book release book trailer!

Give Robert some love and les us both know what you think.

“This year is gonna rock for all of us!”

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In addition to this drivel I also write books, both fiction and non-fiction.
Learn more on my author page.

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